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Silver Jubilee Commemorative Young Thinkers’ Conclave

Silver Jubilee Commemorative Young Thinkers’ Conclave

Silver Jubilee Commemorative Young Thinkers’ Conclave is an annual multi-faceted event organised by Mayo College Girls’ School. The event combines critical thinking and creativity in seven events that include English Debate, Hindi Debate, Quiz, English Drama, English Creative Writing, Multimedia Video-Making, and Website Designing. We have been fortunate enough to work under the guidance of Mr. Parnab Mukherjee as the Creative Mentor for the event since its inception in 2006. Schools from all over the nation partake in the event. In the tenth edition of the conclave, which was held from 23rd-27th August, 2021, a total of 45 schools participated.

While Silver Jubilee comprises many competitive events, it also features non-competitive traditions such as the annual mid-term play and the release of a poetry anthology. The mid-term play is a short theatre performance on important and pertinent issues. The play for the tenth edition was titled ‘Turn on your camera; Please Unmute’. It was a play on six photographs that changed the world, and an assortment of other photographs which highlight the various issues of the present-day world including the crises in Yemen and Afghanistan. The poem anthology, titled ‘Words of the Neo-Normal’, which was released in 2021, is the third part of a quartet poem anthology. Together, with the previous compilations, namely ‘Combat-Musings of Martindale Bridge’ and ‘Silhouettes Across Srinagar Road’, the books represent the compositions of the students of MCGS over 33 years.

This event is motivated by the principle of ‘Unity in Diversity’ and has been a medium for us to live by our motto ‘Let There Be Light’ by illuminating the path of knowledge through deliberation and discussions.