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Mid Term Trip


Every year, towards the end of the school year in March, Mayo College Girls. School sends all its girls, with the exception of the board classes, to a very exciting, recreational and educational excursion trip, what the girls. call- .Mid-Term Trip.. After a long and strenuous round of the final examinations, this much needed week- long trip to various destinations in India is cherished by all.

All arrangements, which include travel, lodging and the various activities, are managed by the school. The girls indulge in a number of adventurous activities like trekking, rafting, rock-climbing, kayaking, etc. Alongside the adventurous activities, educational tours to various forts, museums, wildlife sanctuaries and eco-friendly villages etc. also form a very integral part of the trips. 

Mid-term excursion trips are not only a learning exposure to the girls but also a great learning experience for the teachers who accompany them. They encourage student-teacher interactions outside the classrooms which help to develop a better relationship of understanding between the students and teachers. These excursions also help to bring out organizing skills and other such capabilities in the girls.

After enjoying a whole week of fun and leisure, the girls return back with a fresh mind and renewed vigor to start a new class and spring term of April.

Outdoor adventures

Throughout the year a lot of outdoor activities like Trekking, cycling and camping are organised. Ajmer has a wonderful terrain with few good trekking routes as it is surrounded by Aravali ranges. Trekking is compulsory at MCGS and is planned class wise on Sundays and holidays where every class gets an opportunity to participates at least once in a term.

Cycling and adventure expeditions are organized from time to time to develop self-confidence as is the case with camping. We offer the prestigious International award for young people programme for our students. These activities are also part of their Adventure journey for the programme.

We have created a camping facility close to the school as part of the Mayo Farmland. This is an outdoor learning space which facilitates experiential learning through various activities like Camping, Hiking, Outdoor cooking, and other fun games in the lap of the nature at Mayo Farmland