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Learning at MCGS

We have a system of continuous assessment which indicates the progress constantly without putting any particular pressure of examination on a child

Reports are sent to the parents four times in a year as our academic year is divided into four terms. These reports not only reflect the academic performance of a girl, but also her achievements in Games as well as co-curricular activities. These reports are written by the subject teachers, class teachers, House-Mistress, Games and Activity teachers.

Examination Month
Unit 1 April
Unit 2 july
Half Yearly Examination Mid September
Unit III/ Pre Board I November
Unit IV / Pre Board II January
Final Examination/ Board Examinations February/March



The junior years in school at MCGS builds on the spirit of exploration and emphasis is placed on acquiring sound language skills, clarity of mathematical concepts and the discovery and understanding of scientific principles.
Through extensive project work, students are given an awareness of the richness of diverse peoples’ history and culture. The children acquire all the building blocks of scholarship, along with good study habits and a love for learning. Inquiry and the use of resources such as ICT complement all the strategies we use to help students to become life-long learners.
Academically, the challenges increases with the inclusion of a third language – Sanskrit , Bengali, Marathi, Gujrati, Punjabi and French(only for NRI students)..


Juniors: Assessment is in the form of Aural , oral and written quizzes, open book as well as prepared tests, show and tell and projects. There are no examinations in junior school. Teacher evaluations and assessments are continuous and ongoing. Students are assessed according to her own progress rather than in comparison with the class hence there is no ranking.



In the middle school, the curriculum includes programmes to develop side by side academic skills i.e. strong communication skills through debates, extempore speaking and drama. Performing Arts, Physical Education, Art and Craft, Computer classes to name a few complements the academic rigor and are timetabled classes.
The syllabus is enriched by teacher designed worksheets and subject integrated projects. Emphasis is placed on learning by asking questions, problem solving and through application. This is reinforced through curriculum related trips, workshops, seminars and films. Inquiry and the use of resources such as ICT complement all the strategies we use to help students to become life-long learners...


Middle and Seniors: There is a well developed system of evaluation and assessment at all levels. This is done through a variety of methods which include oral work, open book assignments. And revision exercises with long and objective type questions, projects and written assignments.